Monday, 15 July 2013

Back in the land of Blog

If anybody has noticed, I have been seriously unable to post or blog wargamy goodness for just over 3 weeks. This has seriously affected my geek nirvana and my karma is all out of kilter.

The reason for this haitus has been a badly infected laptop.

So sick has this useless piece of inanimate modern technology been, that i was considering selling some rare and expensive boardgames to pay for its resurrection. Fortunately with a few friends in the military I managed to get hold of an IT specialist and now everything is peachy.
At one point this was going to happen!!!


  1. When it comes to computers I am more a hammer guy than a chainsaw guy. But whatever works best for you!

    1. But chainsaws make that lovely Ziiiiiiin Ziiiin Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn sound ;-)

  2. Damned computers; remember that System Restore is your friend.

  3. Yeh, unfortunately I had some hardware issues as well. Lets see how long this motherboard lasts!

  4. Modern day technology, not built to last. Trouble is we cant do all the cool stuff with slates and chalk! slaves to the machine.

  5. Ha this is what I do for a living :D I can sympathise at least its sorted now back to blogging come on chop chop

    1. If I had know I would have been pm'ing you for mates rates hehe. Been blogging all afternoon, saved as drafts for trickle posting over the next few days.
